We LOVE klty. It is our favorite radio station.
As the boys say its "safe and fun for our family"
We have been going out to southfork ranch for 13 years.
It is an amazing experience.
The only year we did not go was last year, we were on vacation..
One year we went in 3 feet of mud. You took a step sank..took a step sank.
Landry's favorite christian band is THIRD DAY!!
WE lucked into being there the same time they were signing autographs!
Landry was wearing his Third Day shirt from a few years ago,
They saw it and were telling him how cool it was and he was telling them that they were his favorite.
Landry shaking mac's hand.
They really liked hanging out with them after listening to the interview
And this was my favorite part.
AMY GRANT!! She ROCKS!! She has been around FOREVER and she is still awesome..
One of the very first concerts Jason took me to was Amy Grant and Micheal W Smith.
They are 2 of my favorites and we still see Micheal W Smith every year at Christmas and it has become a tradition with our family.
Thanks for the memories KLTY!!