Monday, August 4, 2008

VBS and time off

Last week was VBS and for the 4th year in a row I was the crazy music person. I am so not musical I can not sing. However, I am the music person.. go figure.. I think its because it can be completely quiet in the sanctuary and I can get 400 kids screaming their little heads off. Its a gift I know.. You just wish you had it.. SO I spent last week coloring 400 kids hair with the color of the day. Bouncing beach balls around and seeing which grade/class can sing the loudest. I was more sweaty at the end of opening assembly than when I had spent hours at the gym. I loved it . It was great.
Our church rented out Sun Valley pool Saturday night and all these random kids came up and were giving hugs and high 5's and I had no idea who they were. I figured they were VBS ers but??? See I am a celebrity in my own little mind.
SO this a busy week on fun and frolic I will be back to posting. YIPEE..

1 comment:

Cathi_in_TX said...

Sorry I missed it. Sounds like it was a blast, as usual!