Shhh.. Don't tell the ft. Worth zoo, but we cheated. We went to the Dallas Zoo. We had never been to the Dallas zoo. Landry had an app downtown and we figured why not. It was very interesting. I now know why we had never been to the Dallas zoo. It was small and not alot of animals. On the up side, It had a cool kids space ( better that ft.Worth but don't tell her I said that) It had this really neat trading post. You collect stuff in nature and go in and trade it for other stuff. You get point and Can "spend" them on other things there. That was cool and Landry sooo wants to do that. Luke was once again mesmerized by the skeletons and was picking out femur bones of small animals and asking if this was it.. My little orthopedist in training. That or a geography teacher. If there is a globe or map anywhere with in a 5 mile radius he is there looking. Just not sure which one is more interesting to him right now.
Light bulb... His mom... Pre med turned P.E. teacher ( long story don't ask)
...Dad.....Geography teacher turn Principal.... hmmm... ok .. maybe its not a natural tendency maybe he's interested in what mom and dad or interested in or is it a natural tendency.. We could so get into the nature vs. nurture decision here but I digress.
Back to the Zoo.. ( anyone wonder why my kid is ADHD) .. So the Zoo.... There were a couple of very cool things that happened at the zoo. We feed the birds. I know you can do this at ft. Worth but, here they land on you and eat like your shoulder..
How can I have 2 kids so different?? oh well that's another post. I'm off..
Oh, the Dallas Zoo. We go only for the kids space, which ROCKS and we can spend our entire day in just that little part of the zoo.
The rest, I agree, is small, old, and sad looking.
We've never found the stingray exhibit. Where is that???
And the aviary. WAY better than Ft. Worth zoo. I love all the different kinds of birds in there. There was one buzzard kind of bird that kept coming up to Reese to be pet. It was so friendly.
Did you ride the monorail thingy? That was really, really cool too. Definitely worth the $5? it cost to ride.
I think we need to make a date to go. I have never been, but everything I had heard was so negative! Weird.
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